Friday, April 19, 2013

V for Vendetta

'Under my mask is not flesh, under my mask is an idea, and idea is bulletproof '.
This is a excellent movie directed by James McTeigue, and the writers are well known director brother Wachowski, who also directed the Matriex movie.

V (Hugo Weaving) was a victim of a medical experiment by government many years ago and now fight for the freedom and  justice. One day he meet EV(Natalie Portman), a coward girl was also being persecuted by the government when she was just kid. Then a story begins.

The most attractive part for this movie is the speech ablity of V- he is not only a fighter with knife, but also a figher with language and idea. Also the choice of revolution and love. So it is highly recommonded.

The brother Wachowski is well known to make movies that offers large quantity of metaphor, and their movies contains very powerful idea that make you think a lot. It does not like the movies just let you watch and go, so if you want to discover the implication of such a great movie, try to have a look at it.

Here is the trailer of this movie. Enjoy.

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