Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Hey guys, today we highly recommend you to have a watch on a film- TITANIC
Titanic is one of the best love stories in our heart, it is not only because it has great sound effect and excellent actions, but also a real love story which make us feel toughing. The story is about JACK and ROSE, JACK  is a young boy who wins passage to get into Titanic, he met ROSE in the titanic and they fall in love. Accidently, Titanic hit an iceberg and the ship begins to sink. Everyone in the ship was freezing and of course they want to get into the lifeboat, however, the lifeboat is limited, ROSE got in the boat initially but she jumped out to find JACK, finally, JACK put ROSE onto a plank and he died in the cold water. The acting is excellent to show the love between JACK and ROSE.
After watching this movie, I hope all of you to be familiar with a classical speech

" You jump, I jump"

Ka Wai LAW

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