Monday, April 15, 2013

P.S. I Love You

Welcome to our Blog again.


Today we chose this film for you

P.S. I Love You is a love

This is a Romance Film.  The story is talking about Holly and his husband Gerry.  When Gerry’s life is taken by an illness, this almost takes the life out of Holly.  Gerry is the one who can help Holly.  However, he is no longer being there.  Nobody knows her better than Gerry in the world.  So Gerry set a plan before he died.  Gerry wrote a lot of letters to Holly and that letters will deliver to the Holly in specific time and moment after his died.  This letter will guide her how to get away the plain without him.  At the end of each of these letters, Gerry will sign off in the same way “P.S. I Love You”.  Can Holly recover the plain which she lost her husband and is Gerry’s plan work?  Please find some time today and watch the film.
P.S. Better with your lover to watch this film.
Rex Coke

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