Tuesday, April 23, 2013




Hey everyone, besides TITANIC, AVATOR is another good movie directed by James Cameron which is a famous director around the world, therefore, today we encourage you guys to watch AVATOR.


The film was set in the 22nd century, humans have depleted Earth's natural resources. They mine for a valuable mineral called unobtanium on Pandora. Avatars, who with blue-skin is the main actor in this movie. In this movie, The Navi body with the mind can locate human, and is used to interact with the natives of Pandora. This movie is not only a story, it gave us a notice that we have to protect our environment, our natural resources for our future generation. James Cameron spent 15 years on the production of AVATOR, Avatar was budgeted at $237 million and at $150 million for promotion. Therefore, we recommend you to watch this big production to see whether it worth 15years production or not. Welcome you to give any comments on this movie.
By Ka Wai LAW

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