Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Warm Bodies

Hi guys, Today, we want to suggest one romance movie to you guys.

Warm Bodies

This is a special zombie movie.  Normally, zombie is bad guys in the movie world.  However, the 

zombies are good guys and also they can feel the love.  It is a very special movie.  R is a young 

man zombie.  He eats fresh meat to maintain his life.  In the one hunting time, he meets the Julie 

which is a human.  R feels an urge to protect her.  This is the beginnings of a strangely relationship

 that causes R to stat to feels his humanity.  Also so R feel fall in love with Julie.  If you want to

 know what happen with R and is the R and Julie can be a lover, please find some time tonight to

 watch this lovely, romance movie with your lover.

Rex Coke

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