Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Brave Heart

William Wallace, a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler was killed at last with last word of freedom. Mel Gibson is really a great director who never fail his audiences. This movie has great sight of Scotland, great music from Scotland, also great speech from Wallace. For freedom, what will you give up? Money, title, love, or even love? Will lance gives up anything to obtain freedom, however, the ruler is way too powerful. But the way to find freedom is never end. This movie is the most recommended movie for boys to learn how to be brave, and how to choose the really precious.
As for the director Mel Gibson, who is may be one of the greatest actor in the world who can also direct, furthermore, he also write this movie, what a talent man!
Here's the post of breathe art, you must have seen it!

By Zheng Jia

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